SES-B Membership
Ever wonder what's out there? Don't know what to do with all your free time? Want to make new friends and share a love for the outer reaches of the universe? If you said yes to any of these questions, then fill out the membership form on this page and join us!
SES-B is a society of space enthusiasts who wish to further the education and advancement of space exploration. We welcome any and all interested UCB students. Whether you're an engineer, a potential astrophysicist, a sci-fi geek (aren't we all?), or simply an avid star gazer who is curious about our place in this universe, come to our first general meeting! We want to meet you and we hope that our passions coincide with yours.
Please also sign up for SES-B on UC Berkeley's "CalLink" system to be officially recognized as a member of the organization.
Even if the call of the open road is muted in our time, a central element of the human future lies far beyond the earth.
Carl Sagan